Dein Warenkorb ist gerade leer!
EU-Fischereikommissarin dankt für unsere Unterstützung
Wie Ihr wisst, habe ich einen offenen Brief an die scheidende EU-Kommissarin Maria Damanki geschrieben und mich für ihre Arbeit und den Einsatz zum Erhalt der Thunfischbestände bedankt. Heute kam diese Antwort aus ihrem Büro:
Dear Mr Oeder,
Commissioner Damanaki has asked me to answer on her behalf to your kind e-mail.
An important collective effort, encouraged by the EU, has indeed been made in ICCAT to preserve BFT.
I agree that, on the basis of this example, serious progress is still to be made in particular on other Mediterranean species. The Commission will thus need the support of professionals like you also in the coming years.
Kind regards
Harold Nyssens
Cabinet of Commissioner Maria Damanaki
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
European Commission
Rue de la Loi 200
BERL 09/139
BE-1049 Brussels
Meien Brief lautete:
Open Letter to:
European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Maria Damanaki
Dear Mrs Damanaki,
I am a journalist and author of a book on the deep sea fishing and would like to thank for your work on behalf of fellow fishermen and charter boat skippers around the northern Mediterranean.
Many fish stocks in the Mediterranean are threatened because fishing pressure continues to increase and more and more young fish are being caught. With one exception, the bluefin tuna has recovered significantly. The risk of extinction of tuna, which has been the economically and culturally significant for millennia, is apparently banned for now. This is due to your outstanding performance! None of your predecessors has so energetically and decisively advanced the protection and sustainable management of tuna as you have done. But there is still much to do, especially for other fish species.
Nevertheless, we would like to thank you for your courage, your dedication and assertiveness. Mrs Damanaki, you have our respect.
With best wishes for your future career
Jürgen Oeder