
IGFA representative Jörg-Dieter Haselhorst

IGFA representative Jörg-Dieter Haselhorst

[:en]There are fishermen who always have their photo albums and all of their personal records with them wherever they go, and they proudly show off their trophies to anyone who will stand still long enough. At the other end of the scale, there are others who are asked for pictures and respond by tapping their… mehr

Georg Blänich – The godfather of fishing in Jezera/Croatia

Georg Blänich – The godfather of fishing in Jezera/Croatia

[:en]Skipper Georg Blänich shrugs when someone uses his honorary title: professional and hobby anglers in the Croatian town of Jezera refer to him the „godfather of fishing.“ Those who know the Stuttgart native — the perfect blend of his Croatian mother and German father — will nod in agreement. „That's a good name for him,“… mehr

Capitan Olaf Grimkowski

Capitan Olaf Grimkowski

[:en]People like to talk about beginner's luck, and in Olaf „Grimml“ Grimkowski's life, a double dose of this special kind of good fortune changed his life forever. In 1996 he caught his first marlin off the Azores. His girlfriend filmed him from the cabin, and Olaf looked over his shoulder every 30 seconds to make… mehr

Dossier: Azores

Dossier: Azores

[:en]The Azores island of Faial is located in the west of the archipelago and is considered one of the best fishing areas for large blue marlin in the Atlantic Ocean. A number of world records have been set off the port city of Horta, which is also a popular sailing location. Among these records is… mehr

Last chance to recover Mediterranean fish stocks: WWF

Last chance to recover Mediterranean fish stocks: WWF

[:en] Split, Croatia – The Mediterranean ranks high on the list of the most overexploited seas globally, with 100% of demersal fish stocks assessed as overfished by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). Split, Croatia – The Mediterranean ranks high on the list of the most overexploited seas globally, with 100% of demersal… mehr

Bait and Switch auf Blue Marlin – Kap Verde

Bait and Switch auf Blue Marlin – Kap Verde

„Anlocken und den Köder wechseln“. Dabei werden aus Lures hakenlose Teaser, die nur noch zum Anlocken der Fische dienen. Wenn ein Marlin sich solch einem Teaser nährt, wird dieser von einem Mate oder Mitangler so schnell eingeholt, dass der Fisch zwar dem Teaser folgt, ihn aber im Idealfall nicht zu packen bekommt. Erfahrene Marlin-Angler kennen… mehr

Skipper Les Gallagher

Skipper Les Gallagher

[:en]You could get envious: big-game captains usually live in heavenly climates and are always nicely tanned. They stand at the helm of blindingly white yachts game boats, and during a drill the process of catching a fish, they steer their powerful boats with the throttle alone as if there were nothing to it. Their lives… mehr

Dossier: Ascension Island

Dossier: Ascension Island

[:en]Ascension Island: A desert island with an abundance of fish that the pioneers of big game fishing have experienced at best. The island south of the Equator on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has been a military base for the British since the Second World War, where commercial fishing has been banned there since that time. The… mehr

Brandungsangeln auf Kupferhai in Namibia/Skelettküste

Brandungsangeln auf Kupferhai in Namibia/Skelettküste

Ich fahre jedes Jahr an die Skelettküste, um mit Henry gemeinsam Kupferhaie vom Ufer aus zu fangen. (Ein Muss, ich kann es nicht ändern.) Bislang konnte ich 62 Kupferhaie und einen Sandtigerhai landen. Die beste Saison war November 2008 Ich fahre jedes Jahr an die Skelettküste, um mit Henry gemeinsam Kupferhaie vom Ufer aus zu… mehr

Wichtiger Hinweis für Besitzer von Shimano Tyrnos Rollen

Wichtiger Hinweis für Besitzer von Shimano Tyrnos Rollen

Gestern erreichte mich der „Notruf“ eines Angelfreundes der arge Probleme mit seinen Tyrnos 12 und 16 im Urlaub bekommen hat. Da Ferndiagnosen immer schwierig sind, habe ich etwas im Internet recherchiert. Auf der Seite von Alan Tani bin ich dann fündig geworden. In die Rollen scheinen minderwertige Bremsscheiben verbaut zu sein. Das sollte jeder überprüfen…. mehr