Azores: 757 lb Blue Marlin on 30 lb Line Class


Uli Laux fought stand up on Thursday (09/0813) a blue marlin for seven hours with a 30 lb line class! At 757 lbs, the fish was 115 lbs lighter than the existing world record, which was set in 1995 by Stewart Campbell on Madeira What a respectable performance: Uli Laux fought stand up on Thursday (09/0813) a blue marlin for seven hours with a 30 lb line class! At 757 lbs, the fish was 115 lbs lighter than the existing world record, which was set in 1995 by Stewart Campbell on Madeira. Congratulations to skipper Les Gallagher and mates Michel Frisch, Marco Canu and Marty Bates, who helped out onboard the BRASILIA.

Other boats were successful as well: XACARA with skipper Olaf „Grimmel“ Grimkowski released one blue with 850 lbs and another with 600 lbs. The NOLA had a 200 lb marlin.

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