Fishing on North Kenya Bank in danger


The beautiful fishing on the North Kenya Bank above Malindi may be threatened with extinction. Where charter boat guests catch big Yellowfins in September and Marlin anglers and Jiggers get their money’s worth later in the year, a border dispute driven by Somalia now determines Malindi’s future as a Big Game Center.

Courtesy: The Star, Nairobi

The sea border between Somalia and Kenya currently runs along a latitude from west to east. Somalia recognized this border in 1979. But suspected oil fields off the coast aroused desire: Somalia demands the extension of the border from north-west to south-east also at sea. Kenya would thus lose not only the bank rich in fish, but also over 43% of its sovereign rights at sea.

My biggest Grouper on the North Kenya Bank

The North Kenya Bank – still a paradise for jiggers – would then quickly be cleared by Chinese bottom trawlers to make room for oil drilling platforms. Whether Somalia or Kenya will be allowed to grant licences for drilling will be examined by the arbitration court in The Hague in a case from 9 to 13 September.

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