Family and Fishing? – Yes, on Mallorca!

[:en]It was a really nice feeling: Underneath the table of Pepe's Beach Bar in Porto Alcudia I put off my shoes and played with my naked feet in the sand, still being warm from the heat of the day, while above the table surface we raised the glasses to Toni the skipper, and also to Carlos, in whose apartment we would stay over the next four days. It was a really nice feeling: Underneath the table of Pepe’s Beach Bar in Porto Alcudia I put off my shoes and played with my naked feet in the sand, still being warm from the heat of the day, while above the table surface we raised the glasses to Toni the skipper, and also to Carlos, in whose apartment we would stay over the next four days.

The fact that, because of a bad weather forecast, Toni brought forward our for a later date planned fishing activities just to the next morning, wasn’t a problem at all: Our womens, Marga’s and Elke’s, attention was already focused on the waves, breaking over the beach. And Toni, with great sensitivity and feeling for judging the situation, saying more to them than to us, that the water temperature remained still on the high level of 25,2 degrees Celsius, enabled us to navigate safely through these stormy waters. „You go fishing, and we go bathing tomorrow, and later exploring the city“ the two said, apparently savouring the anticipation of it in their voices.

Early morning view from Carlo's apartment facing the bay of Alcudia

Further obstacles, I had been afraid of as a dedicated enemy of all “Ballermen” worldwide, hadn’t to be negotiated. Quite the opposite: My prejudices towards the tourist stronghold Mallorca dwindled with every day, and today I can say: The island offers ideal conditions for a family vacation, fishing man's small escapes to big fish included, without any danger of a relationship crisis. The infrastructure, flat beaches appropriate for children, shops, short ways and great lodgings offer to all members of the family entertainment enough to be able to forget husband / dad for one day.

The beautiful apartment complex „Botel Alcudiamar“ with pool by the sea is only 100 and the child-friendly beach not more than 200 meters away from the marina.

But also the program during the days without fishing activities convinced me. For example the walk through the Coves del Drach in Porto Cristo. This 1700 m long dripstonecave with one of the biggest underground lakes in the world is an impressive natural wonder. That in high season up to 1000 people at once are guided through it, and there's an excitement out there like at Neuschwanstein Castle, is forgotten at the first step into the sparsely, but with much effect illuminated underworld full of uncountable stalagmites and stalactites.

And I also was impressed with an adventurous drive on one of the most famous serpentine streets of Europe with Robert (outbound) and Elke (homebound) on the steering wheel. The road passes to the west of the island through the Tramuntana mountains to Sa Calobra and overcomes an altitude difference of 780 m over a distance of 14 km. Downhill, with oncoming traffic along the edge of the picturesque precipice and around the „tie knot“ (a 270° turn), it has something special, also for passengers. But this trip should be scheduled in the morning to escape the coach caravans which start to roll in from the late morning. The destination there is the Bay of Calobra, which is tiny and perfect for swimming.

Driving through Pollenca Peter Maffay passed us as a pedestrian roadside in the opposite direction and caused plenty of conversation. That he is organic farmer there, and runs a foundation for traumatized children, as I learned, has got my respect.

But wait, there was still something: Our fishing day, with Toni and his SQUITX. That off the northern tip of the island, Cape Formentor, fishing can be done almost year-round on bluefin tuna and swordfish, I have already described in a previous article. That the fish also in October rob the at the shelf edge over ground in masses occurring mackerel, we experienced at that excursion: Two swordfish picked the live baits from the hook, but a Bluefin with 50 kg remained hanging and was forced by Robert on an 80-device (without Harness) against the boat's side and handed back to the sea after a souvenir photo on board.

New to Toni’s well maintained Rodman is the fighting chair on the platform on the transom of the boat.

Getting used to, but easily: The platform is wide and the chair can be reached via a door in the transom.

Plenty of entertainment while fishing at anchor enshures the fishing of Peter's fish with an overbite mounting: If there are enough horse mackerel in the bait tank on board, the sabiki rig with the flies is exchanged for one with a bare hook (size 4-8), in whose bow then a fly is attached.

This rig  is now released also up to some meters above the ground – and stays there: Horse mackerel, which cling to it soon, tempt with their wriggling the Peter’s fish. The also with us as „John-Dory“ well-known fish sucks then such a mackerel and is attached to the hook in front of its mouth.

How delicious Peter#s fish taste, the cook in Pepes „Playero“ ( convinced us on the same evening. And also on the other evenings his culinary seductions were of the highest level. Irresistible for me was the house specialty, crepes Marinero with king prawns and smoked salmon.

It’s true what one of my favorite authors, the Spaniard Manuel Vásquez Montalbán writes about the killing of animals: Kitchen and catering are the „alibis of the crime against all living things“, but only if we create out of the death we cause, „a gorgeous image of beauty and opulence“.

Apparently Toni has got that same point of view, because on parting he offered us his delicious carpaccio of bluefin tuna.


Here his recipe with best regards to all tuna anglers from the Ebro Delta to the Adriatic Sea: Frozen tuna cut half into thin slices, sprinkle with olive oil and the juice of half a lemon, finely weighted dill and grated pecorino cheese over it. Everything can be drawn about 20 minutes, mix – and then …!

And now the ultimate tip for hardcore anglers of great decisiveness: Just off the Alcudia coast swordfish and tuna can be fished almost all year on, providing that the wind cooperates. With a cheap flight you are on the island within two hours and can possibly catch swordfish on the same day! This applies to the traditionally windless time in late January-early February, for May or September-October, the prime time for swordfish.

And whether the wind cooperates or not shows an advance look at:

Wind forecast for Cap de Formentor provided by

My conclusion: Mallorca is an ideal destination for combining family and fishing activities harmoniously. Tuna and swordfish anglers can also, outside the main tourist season (July-August), book at short notice, and thus take advantage of their fishing opportunities on offer.

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